Alamon Utility Services - To Inspect and To Preserve

Visit Alamon in Booth 1752 at TechAdvantage 2025

We're just over a month away from TechAdvantage in Atlanta, GA, and we can't wait to see you in booth 1752!
Alamon Utility Pole Reinforcement

Get Stronger, Get Safer with Alamon Utility Pole Reinforcement

When faced with the expense of replacing your wood utility poles, there are several great reasons to explore Alamon Utility Pole Reinforcement as an alternative to replacement.
Alamon Utility Services

As Seen in NRECA’s Rural Electric Magazine

Alamon Utility Services is big enough to handle all workloads, but still small enough to have something to prove.
ROTBLOC UTL from Alamon

ROTBLOC Provides Robust Groundline Protection for Utility Poles

Your wood utility poles rot naturally at the groundline because they are a food source for billions of microorganisms in the surrounding soil. That’s a problem when your entire operation relies heavily on their structural integrity.
Alamon Utility Services

A Day on the Job with Alamon Utility Services

Watch this video and spend time in the field with Alamon Project Manager Dustin Schmidt while he inspects and treats wood utility poles.
ROTBLOC from Alamon

Win the War Against Rot with ROTBLOC

Your wood utility poles are at war with an army of destructive fungi and wood boring insects, and the groundline is a rot-friendly battlefield. Alamon and ROTBLOC help you fight back.
Alamon Utility Services - To Inspect and To Preserve

Visit Alamon Utility Services in Booth 2106 at TechAdvantage

Our success begins with delivering high quality work and ensuring the complete satisfaction of our customers.
Alamon Utility Services East - Employee Appreciation Day 2023

Honoring Excellence in the East

Get to know the outstanding Alamon Utility Services East team members who are putting in the hard work to inspect and to preserve our customers' utility poles.
Alamon Pretreats Utility Poles for IBEW Local 9 in Chicago, IL.

Alamon Pretreats Utility Poles for IBEW Local 9 in Chicago

IBEW Local 9 in Chicago, IL recently enlisted Alamon to provide in-depth inspections and treatment of poles at their training facility.
Alamon is Building the Future Now

Full-Service Nationwide Infrastructure Installation and Maintenance Services

Our high-quality professional support of communication, energy, enterprise and utility infrastructure is relied on by some of the nation’s largest service providers and Fortune 500 companies.
Alatrac Data Collection and Management Software

Alatrac User Friendly Mass Data Collection

Alatrac effortlessly handles mass data collection, but it also helps you manage the remote workforce assigned to collect the data.
Alamon Utility Services - The Pole Inspection Company You Can Trust

With Utility Pole Inspection, Your Way is the Right Way

If you're a cooperative in Tennessee, the best pole inspection and treatment plan for you shouldn't look like one created for a cooperative in New York.