Entries by Alamon

Upgrading Emergency Services

Alamon is partnering with Calix to offer complete installation and testing services to provide Fiber to the Premise for the Louise and El Campo, Texas, area emergency services. Alamon’s staff is working closely with the Ganado Telephone Company to install the E7-20’s that will provide lightning-fast services over fiber to aid the community of El […]

An Alamon Icon Has Retired

Please join us in congratulating Terry Mickens on his retirement. For more than 26 years, Terry has provided wisdom, leadership, mentoring, and most of all, friendship, to a multitude of people at Alamon. Terry has brought his calm demeanor and analytical approach to most every challenge imaginable in the communications industry. During his tenure he […]

Digital Housekeeping

There have been quite a number of incidents in the news with regard to companies suffering data loss due to systems failure, malicious software and downright intrusive incidents. Often the risk of these events can be mitigated but ensuring system hardware and software are up to date, fully patched, backed up and have some level […]

From The High Plains to Jersey Streets

From the remote high mountain plains of Northern Wyoming, to the urban city streets and alleys of New Jersey, Alamon Utility Services covers every corner of the country to provide accurate and cost effective wood pole inspections, remedial treatments and pole reinforcements. Whether using advanced IML-RESI PowerDrill technology, or more traditional inspection services, our team of […]

Ericsson Recognizes Alamon With No. 1 Rating

Alamon is pleased to announce we were recently named the No. 1 overall vendor for Ericsson in the Southern California region. We earned this rating for our outstanding performance in all service areas — quality, price, timeliness on close-outs, customer satisfaction, and more. Providing the highest-quality experience possible in all aspects of a project has […]

Rural America Here We Come!

Alamon has partnered with Hooker Contracting Company in southern Texas to provide site-prep services as part of the Connect America Fund II roll out. Alamon is completing the installations within the central office and building remote transmission sites. This includes pouring concrete for cabinets and setting electrical poles to provide A/C for the new equipment. With […]

Where it counts most!

What distinguishes Alamon from other companies? Without a doubt, it’s our teamwork. Our wireless division employees treat each other as family to ensure smooth-running and safe operations. Tower workers rely on their teammates to make it home safely every day — a bad decision on the job site can cause dire consequences. Because our qualified crews are […]

Welcoming Frontier to Texas

After establishing a successful relationship with Frontier Communications in the Midwest, Alamon is proud to be working with Frontier as they head into new territory in Texas. Alamon has a strong history in the area, providing installation, test and turnup services for Verizon in Texas for the past 10 plus years. We will continue to […]

Safety & Utility Pole Inspections

Public and worker safety is of the utmost importance to Alamon Utility Services.  Our wood utility pole inspectors take great pride in knowing that the services they provide help protect the public and utility line workers from the hazards of wood poles that have become decayed, and are no longer serviceable.  Taking safety a step […]

Celebrating Our Independence

The Fourth of July or Independence Day, has been a U.S. Federal Holiday since 1941, but the tradition of 4th of July celebrations goes back to the American Revolution. In June 1776, representatives of the 13 colonies then fighting in the revolutionary struggle contemplated a resolution that would declare their independence from Great Britain. On July […]

Off Road, On Road, We Are On the Job

Alamon continues its commitment to outstanding customer service with its recent purchase of a number of vehicles. To maintain Alamon’s high quality of service it is often necessary for the company to provide its own source of transportation for tools and equipment. New trucks have been purchased to replace less reliable, older vehicles. Alamon has […]

BNSF & Alamon

BNSF Railway has selected Alamon, Inc. as their newest supplier. Alamon in turm is pleased to welcome BNSF to our family of customers and looks forward to building a long term relationship between our two firms. Alamon will provide BNSF with Wireless Services including Tower Construction, Civil Construction, Cellular Equipment Installation, DAS Installation, Microwave Installation, […]