Entries by Alamon

Again, Zero Defects for CenturyLink

CenturyLink’s quality team records a Zero Defect Quality Audit for Alamon, bringing the 4Q14 total for Zero Defects Quality Audits to 24 error free projects to close out the year.  Great Job! Central Office Team.

Distributed Antenna System Training

Alamon attends Distributed Antenna System (DAS) training conducted by Dover Telecom Systems (DTS). The course content covers RF coverage mapping, DAS installation scenarios & testing, Fiber Characterization, Coax cable testing, and In building DAS systems vs outdoor systems. Alamon is dedicated to expanding our capabilities in order to provide a competent and versatile portfolio of […]

Verizon November Report Card

Alamon maintains an A grade rating from Verizon for the July through November 2014 scorecard assessment, demonstrating once again our commitment to quality of workmanship and focus on our customer’s network service protection.  

Dads Of Great Students

Recently an Alamon employee, Dennis Gesker, had the chance to participate in the Dads Of Great Students (D.O.G.S.) program implemented by Glenda Armstrong the Principal of Elrod Elementary School. D.O.G.S is a program of the National Center for Fathering. More than 4,049 schools in 46 states that participate in the WATCH D.O.G.S. program, in addition to […]

Flathead 4H Support

For over a decade Alamon has been an active participant in the 4-H livestock sale.  Alamon has always felt our youth are the future, so we want to do what we can do to help them out. This focus on supporting the Community of Kalispell, has always been an important function for Alamon and will […]

IML-RESI PowerDrill Boring

IML-RESI PowerDrill Boring is the most advanced and accurate Utility Pole Inspection tool in the industry. Using a small boring needle, the IML-RESI PD penetrates the entire pole width, providing Alamon’s customers with clear and defined pole conditions in the critical rot zones at and below ground level.


Alamon completes their 100th turnkey installation, test, & turn up project for Verizon’s ROADM network!