Entries by Alamon


Alamon receives an A Grade from Verizon for the second half of 2014 on the Installation Report Card.  The Scorecard review covered Service Events, On Site Quality Audits, End of Job Reviews, and Jobs Completed on Time from July 1 through December 31, encompassing 219 total projects for the period. With the A Grade rating, […]


Alamon is currently taking applications from highly motivated individuals that are looking for an opportunity with one of the industry’s leading services providers.  Alamon provides competitive compensation along with a comprehensive benefits package, including employer paid health insurance.  We are currently taking applications for all Field Technician skill levels and are willing to train those […]


Alamon recently visited with Nevada Power to demonstrate the ability of the IML-RESI PowerDrill.  With the IML-RESI PD we provide Wood Pole customers with the most non-destructive method of inspecting shell thickness and Internal Decay.  The IML-RESI PD provides our customers with a huge safety win for poles encased in concrete and asphalt, as the […]

“A” Grade from Verizon

Alamon receives an A Grade from Verizon for the second half of 2014 on the installation Report Card. The Scorecard review covered Service Events,  On Site Quality Audits, End of Job Reviews, and Jobs Completed on Time from July 1 through December 31, encompassing 219 total projects for the period. With the A Grade rating, […]

T-Mobile L700mhz project

Alamon recently completed installation and integration of our first T-Mobile L700mhz project.  The installation went without a hitch and the icing on the cake was a Zero Defect quality audit.  Congratulations  to the Alamon installation team for another flawless performance.

Attending Tech Advantage Conference & Expo in Orlando

Alamon Utility Services will be attending the Tech Advantage Conference & Expo in Orlando, FL, Feb 23-26.  We invite all the NRECA members to stop by Alamon’s booth #1727 to watch live IML-RESI PowerDrill pole inspection demonstrations.  See you there!

Quality is the Norm

CenturyLink recognizes fantastic quality for 2014!! CenturyLink’s Quality Managers assessed the Alamon Installation team with (48) Zero Defect quality audit scores throughout the year. By working together, CenturyLink and Alamon demonstrated that the focus on detail and quality of workmanship can result in a superior quality product and realized cost savings benefits by doing the […]

Alamon joining VMDAEC

Alamon Utility Services is pleased to announce our Associate Membership in the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, aka VMDAEC.  


Alamon is currently taking applications from highly motivated individuals that are looking for an opportunity with one of the industry’s leading services providers.  Alamon provides competitive compensation along with a comprehensive benefits package, including employer paid health insurance.  We are currently taking applications for all Field Technician skill levels and are willing to train those […]