Alamon Climate Commitment

At Alamon we recognize the need to help address global climate issues. We are committed to taking actions to help reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

Our Climate Ambition:

Carbon Reduction:

We commit to reducing our absolute emissions by 50% by 2030. We will achieve this through energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and innovation in our operations.

Sustainable Operations:

We pledge to implement sustainable practices across all areas of our operations. This includes minimizing waste, optimizing resource use, and prioritizing environmentally friendly materials and processes, when they can be done cost-effectively.

Supply Chain Sustainability:

We will work with our suppliers to ensure that our supply chain is sustainable and resilient. We commit to, in a cost-effective manner, sourcing materials that are responsibly produced and reducing the environmental impact of our supply chain.

Engagement and Advocacy:

We will engage with our stakeholders, including employees, and customers, to promote climate action.

Transparency and Accountability:

We are committed to transparency in our climate efforts. We will report on our progress toward these goals.

Continuous Improvement:

Our climate ambition is not static. We will continuously evaluate our climate strategies.