Traditional Ground Line Inspections

By combining cutting-edge technology and old-school know-how,…

Gritty Determination Is A Cornerstone For Alamon’s Western Inspectors

For Alamon's Western Utility Inspectors, each contract brings…

From The High Plains to Jersey Streets

From the remote high mountain plains of Northern Wyoming, to…

Safety & Utility Pole Inspections

Public and worker safety is of the utmost importance to Alamon…

Extending the life of Wood Utility Poles

The photo below is a comparison of the internal conditions of…

Accurate Testing of Wood Structures

The utility and telecommunications industries have long known…

May the Reinforce be with you!

Alamon Utility Services can help Utilities across the US increase…

Remarkable Retention

Alamon's Utility Services division has an outstanding 91% customer…

Your Best Odds Are With Alamon

The 2016 Kentucky Derby is right around the corner in early May!…

The Case of Concrete Encasement

Alamon's use of the IML-RESI PowerDrill wood boring instrument…

Best CCA “Green Pole” Inspection Method

Utilities nationwide are seeing the advantages of using CCA Poles…

IML-RESI PowerDrill and Internal Treatments: A Winning combination for Douglas Fir Utility Poles

Alamon's use of the IML-RESI PowerDrill inspection instrument…